Recovered patients may not be immune to Covid-19: WHO

Singapore, where tightened circuit breaker measures will last till June 1, also had a respite with yesterday’s announcement of 618 new cases, reflecting a general downward trend since the 1,426 new cases last Monday. Even as some governments study measures such as “immunity passports” or documents for those who have recovered as one way to get people back to work, the WHO made clear it was a gamble.While the coronavirus daily death toll in Western countries seems to be falling, a sign hopeful epidemiologists had been looking for, the WHO also warned that other nations, especially the less developed ones, are still in the early stages of the fight.Since last Wednesday, foreign workers have not been allowed to leave their dormitories until May 4. The Government has also whittled down the number of essential services allowed to remain open.”If more of the previously unlinked cases can be linked, then there is a good chance that we will be able to see a significant reduction in cases outside the dormitories and migrant worker accommodation,” he said.In a Facebook post on Thursday, Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force tackling the outbreak, said that Singapore’s collective efforts are achieving results.

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