Tens of thousands of people will need to be recalled to hospital after a serious Covid-19 infection to check if they have been left with permanent lung damage, doctors have told the BBC. An X-ray of Mr McHugh’s lungs taken six weeks after he left hospital showed thin white lines, known as reticular shadowing, that could indicate the early signs of scarring or pulmonary fibrosis.Radiologists in the UK say, based on the early results of follow-up scans, they are concerned about the long term-effects of a serious infection.”In the six-week scans we’re seeing, so far I would say between 20% and 30% of patients who have been in hospital appear to show some early signs of lung scarring,” says Dr Hare, who helped draw up NHS radiology protocols to diagnose Covid-19.
Read more at: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53065340