Remote tourism is the latest online innovation to cope with the coronavirus global quarantine measures

Image : Kristina Sandberg Joensen, a tour guide, wears a helmet with a live-streaming camera.
The Faroe Islands are offering remote tourism, where web users can control a real life tour guide to trek around the remote archipelago’s quaint towns and volcanic islands.The innovation is meant to sustain global interest in the North Atlantic islands, which have recently come to rely more on revenue from tourism. Wearing helmet cameras, local guides provide commentary to web audiences remotely, guiding them across the Danish semiautonomous territory, which has had less than 200 confirmed COVID-19 cases and no deaths.Nearly 50,000 people joined the first four hour-long tours, which are offered for free, said Hanssen. Most viewers were trying to land one of the minute-long slots for controlling the guide, available on a first-come, first-served basis.

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